Red Ball
I wanted to create a funny or comical photograph, i also wanted to create perspective. Therefore I came up with the idea of using a ball to present someones head.
I placed my model quite a distance away from the ball, then positioned myself so that the ball lined up with the model, representing their head.
Still Life
For this I photographed a toaster as the lines and shapes, interested me.
For this I used the small figures on a model boat, I then wanted to include an object which could be linked to what the figures were doing on the boat.
As the figures where shooting a large gun, I wanted an object that would represent fire, so I decided to place a match on the top of the gun.
Dangerous place
I wanted to photograph text on a sign and an object that resembled a dangerous place, this is what I found.
Rush Hour
For this I didnt want to just photograph the obvious rush hour. Therefore I decided to photograph something that was fast, that shows the constant rush of life and earth.
Shallow depth of field of a boat
For this I used again a model boat, this was to get a shallow depth of field on a small object. I decided to photograph the rails on the side of the boat as this created line and depth to the image.
I used an aperture of f5.6 to get that shallow depth of field.
As I wanted to look at what comes in pairs, I decided to photograph salt & pepper. This gave the idea of the salt & pepper being a couple and also the colours black & white.
My first idea of photographing parts of the cat was difficult as the cats wouldnt keep still, so the lighting changed between the paws, eyes, ears etc, therefore I decided I wanted to photograph the cats eye, in as sharp focus as I could.
Timeless Beauty
I photographed eyes for this subject, as the eyes dont obviously age as we do, they stay beautiful through out life.
Things in a pile
For this I wanted to look at colour & texture, therefore I took differing colour and textured clothing and placed them on top of one another. I placed them in the order of the colours of the rainbow, I am really pleased with the results.
Possible ideas:
Red Ball
- For photographing a red ball I am going to look at placing a red ball in places you wouldn't expect it to be.
Still life
- I am going to look at interesting objects, looking at there shape, lines, colour.
Do a slinkachu
- I am going to put a model into context with nature, making the model look life size to nature.
A dangerous place
- I am going to look at a range of dangerous places, looking at text or signs and objects to signify a dangerous place.
Rush hour
- Not quite sure what I want to photograph for this, I want to do something a bit different than just seeing a large number of people at train stations etc.
A shallow depth of field of a boat
- I have model boats which I am going to photograph, getting shallow depth of field on texture, shape and lines.
- I Intend to photograph things that are in a pair, or known to be a part of a pair, such as salt & pepper, black & white, in & out, up & down.
- I intend to take a close up of a cats eyes, fur, nose, paws and present the images in a series, not see the cat as a whole.
Timeless beauty
- Take a photograph of a photograph, getting at the idea that in a photograph, you don't age, or die, you stay forever.
- Photograph a number of people's eyes and display them in a series, as eyes dont obviously age like we do.
Things in a pile
- Things that showed colour & texture
What is a slinkachu?
My 'Little People Project' started in 2006. It involves the remodelling and painting of miniature model train set characters, which I then place and leave on the street. It is both a street art installation project and a photography project. The street-based side of my work plays with the notion of surprise and I aim to encourage city-dwellers to be more aware of their surroundings. The scenes I set up, more evident through the photography, and the titles I give these scenes aim to reflect the loneliness and melancholy of living in a big city, almost being lost and overwhelmed. But underneath this, there is always some humour. I want people to be able to empathise with the tiny people in my works.
Slinkachi is an artist which uses small figures and places them with life size objects and creates the idea of the figures beings life size.